“60 Minutes,” the American television program focused on investigative journalism and in-depth reporting, produced and broadcast by CBS and considered one of the longest-running and most successful shows in television history, dedicated its November 10 episode to LITIX.
The American crew had visited Carrara in June to meet the two co-founders, Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini, watch the robots in action, and explore the quarries. The result was a segment that introduced ROBOTOR’s robots to the world and examined the current state of artistic sculpture.
Contemporary artists had avoided marble because it was too difficult and time-consuming to work with. Thanks to ROBOTOR’s robots, which handle the “heavy” roughing-out of a piece ten times faster than traditional methods, the sector has been revitalized.
Barry X Ball, a New York-based artist and a pioneer in using robotics, who has a ROBOTOR robot in his studio, addressed the criticism about using technology in art during the interview.
“Critics,” Barry X Ball said, “think that by pressing a button, the robot ‘spits out’ a sculpture. They don’t understand the process, which is the same one used by artists like Michelangelo and Canova. The artist is at the heart of the creative process; it’s their idea, their model. The robot replaces the strenuous roughing-out work, but the finishing is always done by hand, and the artist is present at every stage of the process.”